environmental citizenship

Importance of communicating

Mastering other languages ​​besides your mother tongue is indispensable today, especially English. In the world of today, strongly globalized, it is a premise that does not even have a point of discussion. The countries that design and carry out this globalization have as their mother tongue or working language, English.
It is basic for your professional and work development. Besides that it is very useful when you travel, when you surf the internet, when you want to have new friends in other countries that do not speak your language; Well, now it is so necessary to understand on many occasions, how to use that new appliance that you just bought.

What can we find in this blog

in this blog you can find videos that contain information about people, environment among others, we mention in detail each situation and the due respect at the time of carrying out. I hope you like them.

Purposes of the subject of English

The purpose of the subject of English 1 to 4 is to consolidate and develop the ability to communicate at a level of intermediate proficiency according to international standards of common European framework of reference for languages. Through the development of communication skills: auditory comprehension , reading comprehension, exprecion and oral interaction and written expression 

Competences and situation of each video

Partial One: Respect interculturality and the diversity of beliefs and ideas, values, and social practies.

Situation: Introducing a worker from your school.(Teacher, secretaries, librarians, segurity guards, etc).


Partial Two: Discusses and analyses points of view on topics of general interest in a critical and reflexive way.

Situation: Introducing an environmental organization.


Partial Trhee: Communicates in english in everyday situations.

Situation: Presenting a regional dish
